5 Benefits of Using anywhereWARRANT for Electronic Warrants


anywhereWARRANT is an electronic warrant management application by Palatine technologies. It helps in the easy functioning of electronic warrant procedures, from application to tracking and processing.  

Why is an electronic warrant a vital part of the law enforcement system?

 An electronic warrant or ewarrant is a digital way of applying and issuing warrants. Here is a list of why electronic warrants are important to the law enforcement system.


  • Reduces the paperwork and the hassles involved.
  • Makes the process faster and easier.
  • Since the electronic warrant is issued faster than the conventional process, law enforcement can make the arrest in a more timely fashion.
  • Important and time-sensitive searches like search warrants which cannot be performed in the absence of a warrant, or the compliance of the suspect, can be carried out at the right time with the help of electronic warrants.
  • With the high resiliency and the state-of-the-art advanced security, Palatine electronic warrants are a better option in most situations. 

Following are the benefits of using anywhereWARRANT for electronic warrant: 

Designed especially for mobile phones

anywhereWARRANT is specially designed to be compatible with mobile phones. The application is embedded with a bowser-enabled video conference system that permits the officer in charge to contact the judicial officers from the field. This allows sharing of the evidence in real-time. Since the warrant application can be applied remotely using mobile phones or tablets, it helps in saving time. 

Tracking facility available

anywhereWARRANT application has a tracking feature that enables the officials to obtain the real-time status of the warrant. All the stages of the warrant process, from the application to the processing and final service, are updated in the application by visual, easy-to-view methods. This feature helps in better planning of the next steps more efficiently. This tracking facility is only enabled for designated officers, making it a secure and reliable option. 

Permits printing of necessary documents

The application permits the printing of necessary documents in the desired locations. The detailed documents as per the requirement are shared in the respective. The printing application offers a strong audit function to keep track of the time, date, and individual who prints the documents. 

Supreme security that protects your sensitive documents

anywhereWARRANT application has a two-factor authentication feature that only enables licensed officials to access the system. This ensures the safety of all sensitive documents. The application focuses the best on security with several levels of built-in security. The data is stored securely either in the cloud or in the centralized storage system of your choice. Despite the supreme security, it is easily accessible to authorized personnel. 

Integrates with popular systems in the market

This electronic warrant application is reliable and easy to use. Also, compatible with popular law enforcement and judicial systems in the market. It integrates well with CMS and RMS systems to streamline the warrant process. 

With the rising trend of online shift, coupled with the best features of anywhereWARRANT, this application by Palatine technology Group proves to be a great choice.





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